We managed to fill all our daytime slots by Friday morning and we had willing volunteers who prayed for two hours each overnight. It was especially good to share this with our Methodist brothers and sisters in Christ.
There were prayers for the world, our friends and families, for forgiveness and well as our local village. We used Morning Prayer from the Thy Kingdom Come website also the prayer app for evening prayer and the sung tradition was “different to what we are used to…”
Other comments throughout the day included. “The prayer stations helped me to focus my prayers…especially praying for my 5 friends with pebbles”
An older couple from the church arrived at 7.15am on the Sunday morning and said they wanted to come and told me: “We still have a lot to learn”.
Another told me how her Christian friends think the Anglican church is dead but she was keen to share this example of prayer happening in more churches than people realise.
When the 24 hours finished, we moved the prayer stations to our church where they will stay up until Pentecost Sunday.
If anyone is inspired and would like to create their own prayer space or prayer stations and would like to know how we did it, please contact Penny Taylor at Heacham church office at heacham.church@gmail.com