A talk about Admiral Lord Nelson

Napoleon once said that it was Nelson, above all, who frustrated his dream of global domination ... On Saturday 12th October, we will be holding an entertaining and fascinating talk on Admiral Lord Nelson – our local Norfolk hero! Everyone will no doubt know the story of how Lord Nelson’s inspirational leadership, grasp of strategy […]

Admiral Lord Nelson: The Man Behind the Legend (Talk)

Commodore Barry Bryant CVO RN will give an entertaining and fascinating talk on Admiral Lord Nelson - our local Norfolk hero! Everyone will no doubt know the story of how Admiral Lord Nelson won a famous victory over a combined French and Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805 - sadly […]

Ryburgh October Market

St Andrew's Church, Great Ryburgh Mill Road / Bridge Road, Great Ryburgh, Norfolk

Choose autumn plants and browse books and art works in the peaceful atmosphere of an unusual round tower church. Gifts, crafts, cards and heritage displays . St. Andrew's Pantry open. For church funds. Ample parking and WC with disabled access.


Autumn Stalls – a fayre for Autumn and Christmas

St Giles-on-the-Hill St Giles-on-the-Hill Church, 75 Upper St Giles St, Norwich

Goodness knows where the year has gone but here we are again with the St Giles Autumn Stalls - famous now for the sale of delicious cakes as well as general refreshments, teas etc. There will be the usual tombola with prizes. Books and other items will also be for sale. Do come and join […]


Christmas Fayre

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 30th November - 10am - 2pm Stalls, Games, Music and Refreshments Free Entry, all welcome Venue: St. Andrew's Church, Church Road, Gorleston, Norfolk NR31 6LR


Christmas Wreath Festival

Feeling creative? St Michael’s Church, Sutton is hosting a Christmas Wreath Festival on 30th November and 1st December. Everyone is welcome to make a modest, flashy or exotic wreath for display in the church. The wreaths will be hung on purpose-made supports to show them to best effect. Please bring yours to the church on […]


Edingthorpe Festive Coffee Morning Christmas Fayre

St Nicholas' Church, North Walsham Market Pl, North Walsham, United Kingdom

Coffee Morning with festive refreshments and Christmas Fayre with Stalls Cakes & Preserves - Bric-a-brac - Tombola - Hamper Raffle - Crafts Toys - Puzzles - Books Plants - Wreaths - Guess the weight of the Cake And More! At St Nicholas Church Halls North Walsham NR28 9DQ (St Nicholas room and St Benet Hall) […]


Christmas Concert at Wymondham Baptist Church

Wymondham Baptist Church Queen Street, Wymondham, United Kingdom

St. Mary’s Singers of Hemsby will be performing a Christmas Concert at 2.30pm on Sunday 8th December at Wymondham Baptist Church. A mix of Classic Carols, Choral and Popular Christmas Songs, with Juniors. Includes refreshments during the interval. Tickets £10 (children under 16 £5) available from 01593 600563 or George R Reeve Gifts & Stationery, […]


Christmas Concert at Wymondham Baptist Church

Wymondham Baptist Church Queen Street, Wymondham, United Kingdom

Christmas Concert by St. Mary’s Singers of Hemsby. Traditional and Popular Christmas songs with Junior singers. Approx 2.5 hours with interval that includes refreshments. 2.30pm. Tickets £10 under 16 £5 recommended in advance as last years concert was a sell out. Profits to Building Fund. Can be purchased from Norman/Helen 01953 600563 or Reeve Stationery, […]

Event Series Christmas Carol Concert,, Hemsby Church,

Christmas Carol Concert,, Hemsby Church

St. Mary’s Singers Christmas Concert by Candle Light. 2 Nights performances singing Traditional and Popular Christmas Songs/Carols with Junior Singers. This popular Concert is always a sell out so getting tickets early is advisable. Tickets are £7 including Mulled Wine and Mince Pie. Profits to church building fund. These are evening performances doors open at […]


St Mary Magdalene Book Sale

Book Sale at St Mary Magdalene - 100s of paperbacks, magazines and hardbacks - refreshments available - cash donations only - free entrance (Hall entrance only).
