Arron’s ration challenge to support Syrian refugees

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When I asked Arron what it was all about he said “I’m taking the Ration Challenge and eating the same food rations as a Syrian refugee for one week.

“I’m doing it to show refugees that I’m with them, not against them. Through doing this I hope to get a glimpse into their lives and understand a little more about their day to day struggles and how much suffering they endure to simply stay alive.”

The project, established and lead by Concern Worldwide (UK), aims to tackle hunger and transform lives.

The money raised will provide Syrian refugees with food, medicine and education. Most importantly, this challenge seeks to help Syrian Refugees find the physical and emotional strength they need to cope with the horrors they’ve suffered and the hardships of life as a refugee. By taking the Ration Challenge, he’ll also be supporting the wider work of Concern Worldwide (UK) to tackle hunger and extreme poverty with the most vulnerable people in the world’s poorest places.

This photo is the weekly refugee ration box. Just enough to survive.

Arron showed us what he was having for lunch and dinner for tomorrow, fried rice with half a sardine and lentil chilli soup.

He said, “I really miss fruit and veg. Some of the refugees live on this ration for years!”

We’re very proud of him!

The Horstead Centre is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year; read more here or see the film here.