There’s a lot going on At St George’s, Rollesby

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The first task in 2016 was to remove a hedge that had been killed by ivy. The hedge had become quite an eyesore, attracting fly tipping near this unkempt part of the car park. With the planting of shrubs and bulbs the area now offers an attractive welcome for those visitors arriving by car.

A major tidy up of both cemeteries then followed, with the removal of dead trees, hedge trimming and further removal of yet more ivy! While looking to keep the churchyard tidy and accessible for those visiting the graves of loved ones, a conservation area of wildflowers and grasses has been planted at the front of the church.

This less formal area now attracts wildlife and pollinators that have been welcomed by gardeners and farmers as well as those visiting the church.

A test of resolve and community spirit
In April 2017 thieves stole the lead from the roof of the church, causing costly damage and almost daily mopping of water from the floor of the building. Not to be deterred, Revd Mandy and the parishioners of Rollesby set out to raise the money needed to repair the roof.

With much goodwill, generosity and hard work, the money was raised in record time, and by 3 April 2018 St. George’s had a new roof with synthetic lead (thankfully of no value to light-fingered visitors to the church!)

Double Celebrations
As well as the repairs to the roof, 2018 saw an extra piece of land purchased, to extend the cemetery. Following some back-breaking work picking stones and leveling, the ground is nearly ready, and on 11 August the St. George’s team led by Revd Mandy Bishop, welcomed Bishop Alan Graham for a joint celebration to consecrate the new church yard, and to bless the newly repaired roof.

This was a truly joyous occasion, where the congregation gave thanks for God’s blessing on our beautiful place of worship and fellowship. We have a very good team of helpers at St. George’s, who are looking forward to hopefully more good things happening in 2019.