Subscribe to our new digital advent calendar

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Twenty-six very varied contributors from across the diocese (a shepherd, a teacher, a prison chaplain, for example) will offer us something to ponder each day. Sign up here to have each day’s offering sent automatically to your email inbox. You’ll also be able to access the calendar via all the diocesan social media channels; on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

The digital advent calendar is designed to foster a sense of connectivity between Christians all over the diocese and also, in these uncertain times, to foster both comfort and joy as the church’s wonderful diversity in membership, mission and ministry is celebrated and as the thrum and momentum of Advent hope quickens and grows.

Lovely things will be shared by contributors which will by turns challenge, inspire, console and nourish. The hope is that each door will leave us all with something rich to turn over prayerfully throughout the day in question.

We hope this will have wide appeal so please do spread the word to your community and beyond.