Reflecting on Transition from Primary to High School

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On Wednesday 6 July 2022, over 50 Year 6 pupils joined together in Norwich Cathedral to reflect together on their journeys through Primary School and to look forward with expectation to their transition to High School.

The day began with a time of collective worship in the cathedral presbytery, where Canon Andy led the pupils through an improvised drama based on the ‘The Road to Emmaus’. Pupils then created an arrow where, on one side, they celebrated memories from Primary School and the other, hope for High School. The pupils explored how the arrows had the words of Jesus ‘I will be with you always’ whichever way they turned the arrow.

During the collective worship, all gathered held a candle and enthusiastically sang ‘This Little Light of mine, I’m going to let it shine’ including the verse ‘As I’m moving on’ recognising that their light continues to shine as their journey moves on from Primary School.  At the end of the worship, the arrows were displayed facing the altar.

Pupils then engaged in a series of workshops following the main themes for the Emmaus story, where they looked at graffiti/engravings within the Cathedral, creating their own name graffiti printing tiles which were then printed around their school logo, considering ideas around memories and looking back, as the disciples were on the road to  Emmaus.

The second workshop focused on turning their thoughts about high school into questions and creating a special box where these could be stored and reflected on at a later day This linked to the idea of the disciples recognising Jesus in Emmaus and their thoughts and questions about what this meant. The final workshop engaged the pupils in a pilgrimage of light around the cathedral where they had opportunities to pause and reflect, looking at stained-glass windows representing the Trinity thinking about how Jesus is with them as their journey continues, as in the Emmaus story, he has risen from the dead and continues to be with his friends in a new way.

A collective worship concluded the transition day with pupils sharing ‘wow moments’ from their life journey so far together with thanking those people who have been with them.  There was an extremely poignant moment as adults and pupils joined together in a circle in the presbytery, with the Year 6 Leavers’ Prayer written by the DBE read over them by Jon Moule.

A truly memorable day and we invite you to pray for all of our Year 6 pupils as they transition to high school. We are already looking forward to the 2023 Year 6 transition day at Norwich Cathedral.

Clare Williams Head of Schools & Family Learning said;

“it was a really special day, making memories and sharing together. A moment of spiritual reflection and creative joy.”

The pupils enjoyed the activities too;

“It was really informative. I learnt a lot about the Cathedral itself including it’s history and the ‘bosses’ on the roof.”

“I liked the trip as it was aimed at us leaving primary school and getting ready for high school. It was really good.”

“I liked making the star boxes. It was trapping our worries in the box. Really helpful.”