Outdoor worship is deeply rooted in Scripture. Throughout the history of the church outdoor worship has taken place, often out of necessity—but there are positive reasons for engaging with nature as part of our devotion.
In this newly released booklet, an extensive array of examples depicting outdoor worship is presented, accompanied by theological reflections delving into the essence of worshiping outdoors and the reasons behind its potential benefits.
The publication includes a discussion of worshipping in urban environments, offering a practical checklist to guide individuals when contemplating outdoor worship plans. Its primary goal is to prompt readers to consider their unique situations by exploring the experiences of others, providing a valuable resource for those seeking inspiration and guidance in their spiritual practices.
Author: Coryn Stanforth
Coryn Stanforth is an assistant curate in rural Norfolk. She has a background in education and enjoys teaching those training for ordination and Licensed Lay Ministry in the Church of England. She relishes putting on her walking boots and spending time outdoors, as well as traveling in the UK and beyond.