Life on the Frontline

Author: LICC

Discover together how we as Christians can make a difference wherever we are and identify our own frontlines with this video-based small group series.

Your frontline is the place where you spend much of your time, where you meet people who don’t know Jesus. It’s the place God has called you, the place of possibility and potential. We may be old or young, healthy or infirm, employed or not – we still have a ‘frontline’. A place God has put us.

Often though, we don’t see our frontlines in this light. But just imagine what the impact might be on our neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools – on the whole nation – if we could help each other make a difference for Christ in these places. Imagine how God could work through you, right where you are.

Life on the Frontline has helped over 100,000 Christians across the UK and worldwide discover their own frontlines. Discover and discuss yours with the help of your small group through this six-session video-based small group series. Each session combines a short video, discussion material, Bible teaching, and real-life stories of people who live their lives for Christ on their frontlines.
