Time for a change? Finding family friendly times to fellowship.

Family life is more pressured than ever. Weekends can be opportunity for families to spend precious time together but are often busy. Church is about building a community so valuing family life and choosing the right time for services is important.

– Think about the places and responsibilities families have at the weekend. Often there are demands such as sports groups, shopping, visiting family and friends.
– Is there anything that particularly happens in your local community which you can avoid clashing with?
-Think about how best you can meet the needs of families and provide a warm and welcoming reception to encourage them to become part of church life. A 9.30am service in a cold church on a Sunday morning may be less than appealing, so consider meeting at an alternative time e.g. Sunday afternoon with a community supper afterwards. Maybe have a different time in the summer when families want to be out during the day.
– Regularly invite local families to come to the church.
– Keep families updated with a programme of what the church is doing/running.
– Personally welcome new families who attend and follow up with them. You may like to send them a card and invite them back to something else at the church. Make a point of praying for them.
