The Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing is the expressed view of the mind of the Church of England on issues relating to clergy care and wellbeing.
The Covenant was made an Act of Synod at the February 2020 Group of Sessions of the General Synod.
The full text of the Covenant can be found here. The Diocese of Norwich Clergy Wellbeing Group have summarised the Covenant in this Precis.
A key part of the Covenant is for laity and clergy separately and together to talk openly about clergy wellbeing and support in their local context. The wellbeing group have produced some questions which can help guide these conversations and also short videos of real life conversations.
Find more information, including resources, on this page.
Public ministry can be immensely rewarding. However, exposure to the distress of other people’s lives, the tensions and conflicts which may arise in parish life and the difficulties of living ‘on the job’, all make costly demands on ministers and their families. It can be hard for those in public ministry and those with whom they share their lives to know where to turn for confidential support, especially if they are new to the Diocese or to ministry.