Web resources

Links to Christian shops, websites, resources and more.

Sheffield Centre online shop

There is a new sales website www.encountersontheedge.org.uk
Amongst many other resources Mike Collyer’s document A Mission-shaped Church for Older People is available to download for £9, as well as Encounters no.40 which looks at fresh expressions of church with older people.

New Testament Gateway


A web directory of internet resources on the New Testament, currently being updated daily.   Browse or search annotated links on everything from the Greek New Testament to Jesus in Film.

The College of Preachers

The College of Preachers is developing learning modules – designed for “busy preachers”.  A tutor from the college will be available by e-mail to receive and comment on sermons prepared for the module.  A module is designed for 10-12 hours of study and cost £50.  Modules available include Narrative Preaching and Pastoral Preaching.
Go to www.collegeofpreachers.co.uk

Fairtrade Cotton Clergy Shirts

Fairtrade cotton clergy shirts are available from  www.fairtradeclergyshirts.co.uk
info@fairtradeclergyshirts.co.uk tel 07803 909284 or from www.reliantshirts.com
tel 020 7639 8855

Fresh Expressions: new worship resource

A resource from Fresh Expressions is available to help you plan a tailor-made mission-shaped service at the touch of a button. Mission shaped congregations: re-imagining church is an interactive DVD in which material can be mixed and matched from four different streams – each with its own distinctive style or flavour.  It incorporates video clips, a PowerPoint presentation, liturgy in various traditions, prayers, a sermon outline and a children’s talk.  Follow-up material for use in midweek meetings, house groups, church councils or PCC meetings is also provided.
Details of how to use the DVD and some comments are at Start The Week
To find out more, visit www.freshexpressions.org.uk

The Text This Week – Revised Common Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Link

A virtual study desk for students, teachers and preachers.  Click on a date to find direct links to a wide variety of contemporary and historical resources for study and liturgy for each lectionary week and periscope,  or check out the Scripture Index to locate links to study resources relating specific passages.  Artwork indexed by Biblical theme can be found in the Art Concordance.  Check out the Movie Concordance for lists of movies indexed by spiritual theme.
Go to www.textweek.com