Policies & protocols

Within our churches we are committed to respectful pastoral ministry to all adults and the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable people.

Our policy is to:

  • Seek to offer pastoral care to anyone who has suffered abuse
  • Carefully select and train those with formal pastoral responsibility initiating DBS Disclosures where appropriate
  • Respond without delay to any complaint made that an adult has been harmed
  • Challenge any abuse of power by anyone in a position of trust
  • Offer ministry to any member of our church community known to have offended against a vulnerable person.


The Church of England has issued guidelines, called Parish Safeguarding Handbook. It is an essential document for:

  • Clergy, Readers, Licenced Lay Workers, Named Persons for the protection of children or vulnerable adults.


It should also be held by, or easily available to, anyone whose work involves children, young people or vulnerable adults.  This includes:

  • Youth & Children’s Workers, PCC Secretaries, Pastoral Teams, Choir Leaders, Bell Tower Captains