Parish Accounts Workbook

An Excel workbook designed to assist Parish Treasurers in completing their annual accounts and the Return of Parish Finance Form.


6th February 2023 (4pm) – PAW 3.1 for Excel available for download.
We have identified a handful of issues with the original workbook, which affected bank reconciliation, deposits in the financial statements and the year-end carry over. If you have downloaded the earlier version, I suggest moving to 3.1. Data can be manually copied and pasted across. However, if you would prefer we can migrate your version 3 workbook to the newer version, if you wish for us to do this please email the workbook to or

6th December 2022 – PAW 3 and guidance notes for Excel now available for download
Google Sheets version expected July 2023

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As well as downloading the workbook, you may wish to sign up to our Parish Accounts Workbook mailing list. You will only receive emails advising you of any known issues with the workbook as well as occasional articles on certain features within the workbook. You can unsubscribe at any time.

PAW 3 Guide – Microsoft Excel Version

A basic overview of the workbook to help get you started

What is the Parish Accounts Workbook?

The Parish Accounts Workbook (PAW) is an Excel file produced by the Finance Team at Diocesan House which assists treasurers in maintaining receipts and payment accounts. It can also produce financial statements which comply with the charities SORP, along with automatic completion of the Return of Parish Finance form which is required by the Archbishops Council.

Please note that the workbook has been tested to ensure compatibility with Microsoft Excel 2010 onwards for PC and Microsoft Excel 2011 onwards for MAC. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with free office software, but it is possible to purchase a copy of Microsoft Office with a substantial discount from Parish Buying (

The latest version is an evolution of a basic workbook which was produced in mid-2010.  It’s been possible due to the support of Parish Treasurers, volunteers who ensure that the vital task of preparing the accounts for their Parish but also for providing valuable feedback – thank you.

If you experience any difficulties with the workbook, please contact James South.