St Mary’s Wiveton hosted ‘A Pit Stop for Rural Churches’ day conference, in mid-June, designed to engage and inspire rural churches to positive action on their journey towards Net Zero by 2030. Primarily funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), the conference formed part of a wider conservation and activity project at St Mary’s entitled ‘A Church For The Future’. Nearly 100 delegates attended the conference, coming from churches and partners across the Diocese.
The focus of the conference was to explore practical steps to Net Zero by 2030 and on the support available through the Diocese and partner organisations to help achieve this.
The Bishop of Norwich gave the keynote address as he set out his vision for Net Zero, Polly Eaton from A Rocha UK guided delegates through the Eco Church process and the Norfolk Wildlife Trust provided tips on how to encourage greater biodiversity in our churchyards. Advice and guidance was also given by Norwich Diocesan Environmental Working Group and a fascinating discussion took place between the DAC Secretary, North Norfolk District Council, the NLHF and the Norfolk Green Care Network on ways we can enable our churches to become more sustainable. Delegates also heard an impassioned plea on behalf of young people to work with them more closely to help tackle the climate crisis.
Feedback from delegates was hugely positive, which included from the NLHF:
‘I hope there are more opportunities led by the C of E for us to discuss our climate change work. I feel it brings people together brilliantly.’
And from churches:
“We all had much to take back to our respective churches to share. I’m sure we all feel enthused to expand our endeavours.“
“Thank you so much for arranging such an informative and enjoyable day! I have returned to my home parish with a notebook of ideas to present at PCC!“
The conference live-stream has now been edited and each presentation is available to view separately below:

By Saul Penfold, Conference Co-ordinator –