The Bishop of Thetford, Rt Revd Ian Bishop, has joined a traditional cliffside service linked to East Anglia’s proud seafaring heritage and visited one of the area’s largest agricultural facilities.
Bishop Ian joined Revd Sharon Lord, Rector at All Saints & St Margaret’s Church in Pakefield, and a large crowd who gathered for the blessing of the herring – a time-honoured tradition which each year offers prayers for local fisherman when herring arrive off the coast of Lowestoft.

“The local fishing industry might not be what it was but it felt significant to be praying for the prosperity, protection and well being of all who are still involved in the Lowestoft area,” he said after the ceremony.
Bishop Ian has also been to British Sugar in Cantley, which offered the chance to learn more about sugar beet farming and processing in the area.
During his visit, Bishop Ian not only spoke with the Cantley team and saw processing up close but also took a rare opportunity to ride in the cab of a beet harvester.

Following this trip, the Bishop added: “My lasting impression was gratitude for all the extraordinary people who contribute to the food chain. I will certainly only be buying Silver Spoon sugar henceforth!”