The start of the new academic year (this September) sees improvements, including the launch of the Chestnut group, new curriculum plans, and new training schedules in place.
Chris Read, Interim Headteacher said: “The February and May Ofsted reports gave us positive endorsements of the work of the Academy, recognising the effective action we have taken so far. We recognise we need to address some further issues, as we strive to become better and better. We said at the time, if we can attain an encouraging Ofsted report in the most challenging of educational teaching times, then we have a bright future ahead.
“The new Chestnut group is designed for children who have been finding school difficult and have gaps in their learning. It allows us to adapt the curriculum to help them make stronger progress and keep integrated with their class. Already significant improvements can be seen in their learning and behaviour.
“This project is part of our wider approach to support children’s personal development and wellbeing. Daily sessions to teach calming strategies, mindfulness activities and celebrate successes have been built into our curriculum.”
Sharon Collins, a parent with a child in the new class said: “The Chestnut class is the best thing the school has ever done. My child is the most settled he has been in over a year. I am happy that he is back to himself and that he is excited to come to school.”
Mental health, is an issue that the school takes seriously. There is regular staff training in Trauma Informed Schools and Norfolk Steps to ensure all staff are equipped to deal with children suffering from anxiety or trauma.
Oliver Burwood, CEO of Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT) said: “DNEAT has a very strong focus on The Bishop’s Academy and its success is important to me and everybody at DNEAT. The development of a school that really looks at children’s needs and barriers to learning, and seeks to remove these, is what we are developing at The Bishops. Chris Read is part of our central leadership team and is integral in delivering the changes needed, including the fantastic new Chestnut class provision.’’