Diocesan Synod Elections 2024

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Elections to our Diocesan Synod take place every three years. This is where each deanery in the diocese elects its clergy and lay representatives to represent them on a diocesan level for a term of three years.

What does a Diocesan Synod member do?

Diocesan Synod members get involved in making strategic decisions which affect the diocese, for example, diocesan strategies are put to the Diocesan Synod for approval prior to implementation. The Synod considers and approves standard items such as the annual budget of the diocese. The Synod also considers matters brought by the Deanery Synods and referred to it by the national General Synod.

Members can also bring matters of concern for consideration through Private Members Motions. Diocesan Synod members are expected to consider taking part in other bodies within the governance structures of the diocese. Diocesan Synod members are also members of the Diocesan Board of Finance (except where they are disqualified due to a conflict of interest) meaning they receive the annual report and accounts of the Norwich Diocesan Board of Finance on an annual basis. More information on the Diocesan Synod can be found on the Synod webpage.

How are the elections carried out?

The elections are held within each deanery. The electorate are the respective Houses of Clergy and Laity of each deanery (except for co-opted members). The Rural Dean (or an appointed substitute) is the Presiding Officer for the House of Laity and the Deanery Lay Chair (or an appointed substitute) is the Presiding Officer for the House of Clergy.

Who is eligible to stand as a candidate in these elections?

To stand for election as a representative of the clergy you must be a member of the House of Clergy of the Deanery Synod.

To stand for election as a representative of the laity you must be an actual communicant aged 16 or over and be:

  • on the electoral roll of a parish in the deanery,
  • declared by the leader of a mission initiative in the deanery to be part of the worshipping community involved in the initiative.

Candidates will also need to complete the new Data Protection Forms if they haven’t already done so for an existing role within the church.  This can be done online or printing a hardcopy from the Parish Persons Dashboard.

What is the timetable for the elections? 

These shall take place in the period from 1 June to 15 July 2024 inclusive, to be completed by the latter date.
Other dates are to be agreed by the Rural Dean for each deanery, below is a proposal for dates for Rural Deans to use:

  • 7 May 2024 electoral registers sent by Deanery Synod Secretaries to Presiding Officers.
  • 14 May 2024 Nomination forms will be issued to members of Deanery Synod.
  • 7 June 2024 closing date for nominations.
  • 18 June 2024 voting papers issued if nominations exceed number of available places.
  • 12 July – closing date for voting papers and count takes place.
  • 15 July 2024 results to be announced and notified to the Diocesan Secretary
  • 1 August – members of the new Diocesan Synod take office.

 Soon after 1 August 2024 a welcome pack is circulated to members which includes nomination forms for the various committees of Diocesan Synod.

Who should I contact if I am considering standing for election?

If you are a member of a Deanery Synod, a nomination form will be sent to you.

If you are not a member of the Deanery Synod, then please contact your Rural Dean (if you are a lay person).

The forms required for elections are as follows:

  1. Combined Notice of Election and Nomination Form (Form A)
  2. Information for Prospective Candidates (Form B)
  3. List of Numbers of Clergy and Laity to be elected from each Deanery (Form C)
  4. Specimen Voting Paper (Form D)
  5. Certificate of the Election Results (Form E) for completion and return in hard copy no later than Sunday 21 July 2024 to: The Election Officer, Diocesan House, 109 Dereham Road, Easton, Norwich. NR9 5ES.