Ecumenical sunrise service at Acle

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A cross-section of 40 members of the Roman Catholic, Methodist and Church of England community led by Deacon Peter Glanville, and the Revds Stephen Cullis, Martin Greenland, Nick Garrard and Helen Garrard respectively assembled at 5.30am on Easter Sunday outside the 12th century church of St.Mary’s, Fishley, a short walk from the centre of Acle Village for its traditional annual dawn service.

The service started with prayers and hymns inside the candlelit church, which still lacks an electricity supply, before the congregation processed outside into the grounds of the church to coincide with the rising of the sun when further prayers were recited and hymns were sung.

The service finished with a rousing rendition of ‘Jesus Christ is risen today’ after which all present were invited by Steve Cullis back to the Methodist Church for a well- appreciated breakfast.