We want to see the children and adults in our schools truly flourish. Whether you are a teacher, leader, member or support staff, governor or a church member interested in your local school, we are here to help so please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have questions you think we can support you with.
- Paul Dunning, Director of Education. Email: paul.dunning@dioceseofnorwich.org Call: 01603 882356
- Jodie Ballard, PA to the Director of Education. Email: jodie.ballard@dioceseofnorwich.org Call 01603 882357
- Chris Allen, RE Adviser. Email: chris.allen@dioceseofnorwich.org Call: 07818 336694
- Samuel Witton, School Estates Finance Officer. Email: samuel.witton@dioceseofnorwich.org Call: 01603 882351.