Scart Art Presents: The 10th anniversary production of “Fuzzy”, an entertaining, challenging, and thought-provoking original drama written by local Vicar, writer and Director Dean Akrill, performed by a talented local cast. Inspired by the book of Job, exploring themes around mental health, sexuality, faith and relationships.
Jacob Jobe is feeling unwell, but he has his wayward daughter’s Teddy bear to comfort him and his best friend to steer him doggedly back onto the “right” path. Meanwhile, romance blossoms, the last pint of cider is drunk, and as Jobe sinks ever deeper into despair he seeks a fair trial from God- whilst the Devil searches desperately for a chocolate biscuit…
Our fantastic cast is looking forward to presenting this ambitious new production of an original play.
Refreshments will be available.
Not recommended for children under 15