Norfolk is renowned for its stunning churches, and almost all 650 of them feature a churchyard—often the last remaining undisturbed grassland in the parish, making these spaces vital havens for wildlife. Norfolk Wildlife Trust and the Diocese of Norwich have partnered for over 40 years to run the Churchyard Conservation scheme, providing expert advice to communities who manage their churchyards with wildlife in mind.
We’d like to start a conversation to better understand the key challenges you may face, so we can offer the right support to best help you to enhance the biodiversity in your little patch of Eden.
Three churches are helping us to host these “listening events” and you are welcome to book into whichever best suits you:
Tuesday 1 April
10.30am to 12noon
St. Michael’s Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk, NR10 4JW
What3Words – eclipses.sulked.vocally
Tuesday 2 September
10.30am to 12noon
Great Yarmouth Minster, 24 Church Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 1NE
What3Words – expert.gather.latest
Tuesday 21 October
10.30am to 12noon
King’s Lynn Minster, Saturday Market Place, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1DQ
What3Words – abode.dishes.mount