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Interfaith talk with the Coat of Hopes

Friday 28 February at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


This evening is an opportunity for all faiths to join together in our shared concern for the environment.
It is centred around the Coat of Hopes and a talk by one of the pilgrims who have walked with the coat to Norwich.
This is a casual evening with the talk, the opportunity to see the coat and enjoy some refreshments together.
The Coat of Hopes is a patchwork pilgrim coat, on an ongoing walk through Britain. Made, worn and walked by many hundreds of people during and since the pilgrimage on which it was created from the south coast of England to the gates of COP 26, the UN climate summit, in Glasgow


Friday 28 February
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
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St Giles-on-the-Hill
St Giles-on-the-Hill Church, 75 Upper St Giles St
Norwich, NR2 1AB
+ Google Map


Contact Details for the Event (name, email and phone) *
Rev Annie Blyth revannieblyth@gmail.com
Your Contact Details if we need to contact you about this event (name, email and phone) *