Interfaith talk with the Coat of Hopes

St Giles-on-the-Hill St Giles-on-the-Hill Church, 75 Upper St Giles St, Norwich

This evening is an opportunity for all faiths to join together in our shared concern for the environment. It is centred around the Coat of Hopes and a talk by one of the pilgrims who have walked with the coat to Norwich. This is a casual evening with the talk, the opportunity to see the […]


Life, Death and Christian Hope


John Wesley is reported as saying: “Our people know how to die well.” This course may help you to prepare for a Christian death, but that’s not the only reason! The subjects are fundamental aspects of Christian understanding at the core of what we believe, giving us confidence to live as Jesus lived. And even […]


Teaching Diversity in Christianity and other Religions & Non-Religious Worldviews

This session on ZOOM is designed to explore how we can teach diversity in RE. we will begin by looking at the multi-cultural and global representations of Christianity as well as exploring denominational diversity. We will then also consider presenting authentic diversity in Judaism and Islam. We will also explore Humanism, atheism and agnosticism as […]
