Understanding/Developing Collective Worship to Enable Spiritual Flourishing

Collective Worship is a fundamental part of the spiritual development of pupils and adults in church schools. The expectation of SIAMS is that the impact of daily collective worship is everybody grows spiritually. How this is achieved and how this is monitored are two area that will be explored on this half day course. The […]


Teaching diversity in Christianity and other religions and non religious worldviews


This session on ZOOM is designed to explore how we can teach diversity in RE. we will begin by looking at the multi-cultural and global representations of Christianity as well as exploring denominational diversity. We will then also consider presenting authentic diversity in Judaism and Islam. We will also explore Humanism, atheism and agnosticism as […]


Leadership Forum


An opportunity for all church school and academy Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers & Heads of School to contribute to the implementation and further development of the Diocese’s Education Strategy. As a family of church schools there will be a particular focus on aspects related to Christian distinctiveness. Additionally, there will be a range of invited guests […]


RE for ECTs (session 2)

These two sessions are designed especially for those new to teaching RE in primary schools and academies. In the first session, we will explore the purpose of RE, RE as a multi-disciplinary subject and how to teach it effectively using an enquiry-based approach. The second session will focus on practical strategies for the classroom, whilst supporting […]


School Chaplaincy Gathering

The Penoyer Centre Station Road, Pulham Saint Mary, Norfolk, United Kingdom

The School Chaplaincy Gathering is an opportunity to hear inspiring stories of how churches are connecting with schools to enable children and young people to flourish and explore faith. There will be an opportunity to hear about the latest research and resources and chat to others who are working in schools. The event is being […]

Teaching RE through the three disciplines of Theology / Philosophy / Social Human Sciences

This online half day session is designed to introduce staff to teaching RE in a multi-disciplinary way. It will cross reference the pillars of knowledge Ofsted considers builds an RE Curriculum. It will explore Substantive knowledge, Ways of Knowing and Personal knowledge through a multi-disciplinary approach. It will offer practical resources to support the delivery […]


Deepening Christian distinctiveness in your school

This half day practical workshop is aimed at school leaders who want to review, refresh and reinvigorate their school’s vision. SIAMS expects a school’s vision to be reflective of the current needs of the school community and to be the driving force for everything the school undertakes. This half day course will cover the following […]


Headteachers Conference

Norwich Cathedral The Close, Norwich, United Kingdom

Headteachers' Conference 2025 - Thursday 27th March 8:45am-5:00pm Location Norwich Cathedral, The Close, Norwich, NR1 4EH About This Event Our aim is to offer a different slant to other education conferences and explore aspects pertinent to leading a church school based on the national Church of England ‘Vison for Education; deeply Christian, serving the common good’. […]
