Understanding/Developing Collective Worship to Enable Spiritual Flourishing

Collective Worship is a fundamental part of the spiritual development of pupils and adults in church schools. The expectation of SIAMS is that the impact of daily collective worship is everybody grows spiritually. How this is achieved and how this is monitored are two area that will be explored on this half day course. The […]


Norfolk anti poverty alliance

Norfolk Anti-Poverty Alliance: Norwich launch Weds 26 February, 5 – 7pm, The Hostry at Norwich Cathedral Join us for the first of two public launch events, exploring what is going wrong in Norfolk and what we can do as an Alliance to end poverty in our county. Free to attend, please sign up here  The […]

Teaching diversity in Christianity and other religions and non religious worldviews


This session on ZOOM is designed to explore how we can teach diversity in RE. we will begin by looking at the multi-cultural and global representations of Christianity as well as exploring denominational diversity. We will then also consider presenting authentic diversity in Judaism and Islam. We will also explore Humanism, atheism and agnosticism as […]


Interfaith talk with the Coat of Hopes

St Giles-on-the-Hill St Giles-on-the-Hill Church, 75 Upper St Giles St, Norwich

This evening is an opportunity for all faiths to join together in our shared concern for the environment. It is centred around the Coat of Hopes and a talk by one of the pilgrims who have walked with the coat to Norwich. This is a casual evening with the talk, the opportunity to see the […]


Leadership Forum


An opportunity for all church school and academy Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers & Heads of School to contribute to the implementation and further development of the Diocese’s Education Strategy. As a family of church schools there will be a particular focus on aspects related to Christian distinctiveness. Additionally, there will be a range of invited guests […]


Christian Aid Changemakers Conference 2025

Saturday 8 March 9.30am-2pm Norwich Cathedral, Weston Room Join us at Norwich Cathedral to watch the live stream of our annual Changemakers Conference with stories about the incredible difference Christian Aid is making around the world. For more information, contact: acassidy@christian-aid.org Sign up: www.caid.org.uk/watchparty

‘We all need a heavenly friend’: a Lent Quiet Day with St Teresa of Ávila

St John the Baptist's, Timberhill Timber Hill, Norwich

This Lent Quiet Day, led by the Rt Revd Norman Banks, formerly Bishop of Richborough, will explore the teaching and spirituality of St Teresa of Ávila. The emphasis will be on silence, space and simplicity. Coffee will be available from 9.30am, and the first address will be given at 10am. There’ll be further addresses at […]

Free; donations requested for lunch

Pilgrimage to Papua New Guinea, information evening.

Saturday 11 March, 7pm. Granary Court, Bishop's House The 2025 pilgrimage with the Bishop of Norwich is planned for September 1-12 and will continue the shared history of Norfolk and Waveney and Papua New Guinea learning, working and praying together. Come along to the information evening to find out more.

RE for ECTs (session 2)

These two sessions are designed especially for those new to teaching RE in primary schools and academies. In the first session, we will explore the purpose of RE, RE as a multi-disciplinary subject and how to teach it effectively using an enquiry-based approach. The second session will focus on practical strategies for the classroom, whilst supporting […]


LECTIO DIVINA – a way of being with scripture and other sacred texts

Norwich Cathedral The Close, Norwich, United Kingdom

We host a monthly group Lectio Divina session in the cathedral library, on the SECOND FRIDAY of every month at 2.30pm. Lectio Divina is a contemplative way of reading the Bible, focusing on a short passage and allowing it to speak to us. The passage is read aloud, and we may share a word or […]
