An introduction to the RE Quality Mark (REQM) – CANCELLED

REQM is a nationally recognized quality mark for RE.  From September 2020 new criteria has been released to assess schools and federations.  This briefing session will consider the new criteria, explore examples of best practice in preparing for REQM assessment and action plan next steps in achieving the quality mark for your school.  It will […]


Grandparenting for Faith webinar


Grandparents play a significant role in the lives of their grandchildren. How can Christian grandparents use their position to nurture faith in the next generation? How can church leaders support and empower the grandparents within their communities to help the kids and teens in their life meet and know God? This event, celebrating the launch […]


Practical ways to explore Racial Justice in RE

This session on ZOOM is designed to explore what racial justice means in a theological, philosophical and social context within RE.  How we can challenge viewpoints using practical resources within RE and expand pupil’s ideas and concepts. A range of resources and framework of ideas will be provided to schools to take away and try.  […]


Growing Good Workshop

Attendees are invited from churches of any denomination across the region who are interested in finding out more about how their church and community might benefit from the research and resources. Contributors will include the Bishop of Lynn, the Bishop of Thetford, members of the Church Urban Fund (CUF) team who have developed Growing Good, […]


NCCL: Intimations of the Creator from the science of time

In the mental landscape of a Christian, the believer must negotiate a range of difficult issues concerning time and timeliness - such as providence, election, and prayer - while also grappling with concepts of an afterlife, and the immutable nature of an eternal God. The curious connection between space and time, revealed by Einstein’s theory […]


Collective Worship Network

Collective Worship is designed to be the heartbeat of any school day and this half day network gives an opportunity to explore best practice. This session offers the opportunity to network with other Collective Worship leads and keep up to date with the latest resources, considering the SIAMS Framework 2023.  A golden thread throughout each […]


Understanding Christianity – CANCELLED

Understanding Christianity was launched in 2016-17. SIAMS reports frequently emphasise the impact of this resource on pupil outcomes, the quality of teaching and increased teacher confidence and subject knowledge. The Norfolk Agreed Syllabus also promotes the use of this resource as a significant element of the theology lens aspect of a multi-disciplinary approach to RE. […]

£160 – £225

Lambeth Calls – Being Anglican


What does it mean to be Anglican?  How do Anglicans use scripture?  How are we in communion through mission? Bible study and discussion on this important theme from the recent Lambeth Conference Led by Revd Dr Peter Doll – Canon Librarian and Vice Dean of Norwich Cathedral The Zoom link details are below. Meeting […]

Understanding Humanism – A Curriculum Resource in RE -CANCELLED

This session is designed to support RE teachers in delivering Humanism units of work as part of their school curriculum. The Norfolk Agreed Syllabus expects religion and organized non-religious world views to be taught in schools. In the session, we will explore some of the Agreed Syllabus units that focus on Humanism.  We will look […]


Changemaker’s Conference

The Weston Room The Weston Room, Norwich Cathedral, 65 The Close, Norwich, United Kingdom

Our annual virtual Changemaker’s Conference is taking place on Saturday 2 March and together with the Norwich Christian Aid Committee we are hosting a watch party at Norwich Cathedral. The conference will be live-streamed and we are gathering to watch the broadcast and share lunch and fellowship afterwards. It’s a chance to encourage and inspire […]


Leadership Forum – CANCELLED

An opportunity for all church school and academy Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers and Heads of school to contribute to the implementation and further development of the Diocese’s Education Strategy.  This forum is where we can ‘do business’ together! As a family of church schools there will be a particular focus on aspects related to Christian distinctiveness. […]
