Racial Justice Working group

The Racial Justice Working Group is a committed community of people who work together to promote equality and racial justice within education. As a collective, we work together to raise awareness, improve representation, develop understanding of issues and advocate for policies that promote equity and inclusion. Joining the racial justice working group can be a […]


The Norwich & Norfolk Godly Play Network Gathering

We will be presenting the Circle of the Church Year (how the church tells the time!) and will have our usual coffee and social networking time. All are welcome and we especially welcome teachers and church-based story tellers. There is plenty of parking. There is no charge to attend the network, but if you can, […]


NCCL: Texts that didn’t make it into the Bible

In one of the great Bible manuscripts, the 4th-century Codex Sinaiticus, there are two further texts after the book of Revelation: the epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas. No New Testament would include these today, and most people have never heard of them. Why did texts like these drop out of favour? Was […]


RE Local Leaders Forum

A termly meeting at Diocese House with RE Leaders from across Norfolk, including church, community, academy, primary and secondary school contexts. We meet to share good practice, have regular updates on RE resources and curriculum matters as well as hear from a range of guest speakers in the world of RE and worldviews. It is […]


Unlock Unearth – a new production from Bergh Apton Arts

St Peter and St Paul’s, Bergh Apton St Peter and St Paul’s, Bergh Apton, Norfolk, United Kingdom

An evening of stories, music, magic and light, with stories told by Hugh Lupton and others. Choir led by Clare Pastorius. Centuries slip by in the wink of an eye when Hugh Lupton with his friends, the Onlie Begetters, Wordsmiths, Readers, Singers, Rude Mechanicals, Gate Keepers, Lantern Painters, Makers of Masks, Dragon Dreamers, Grass Dolly […]


The Free Big Churchyard Bird watch

All Saints Church, Hemblington All Saints Church, Church Lane, Hemblington

All invited to come along and help us look out for and record birds seen in the churchyard - a part of the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch weekend.  Bird identification help available plus warming refreshments.  A great "citizen science" project for all ages.

Unlock Unearth – a new production from Bergh Apton Arts

St Peter and St Paul’s, Bergh Apton St Peter and St Paul’s, Bergh Apton, Norfolk, United Kingdom

An evening of stories, music, magic and light, with stories told by Hugh Lupton and others. Choir led by Clare Pastorius. Centuries slip by in the wink of an eye when Hugh Lupton with his friends, the Onlie Begetters, Wordsmiths, Readers, Singers, Rude Mechanicals, Gate Keepers, Lantern Painters, Makers of Masks, Dragon Dreamers, Grass Dolly […]


RE Local Leaders Forum

Norwich Hebrew Congregation Synagogue 3 Earlham Road, Norwich

A termly meeting with RE Leaders from across Norfolk, including church, community, academy, primary and secondary school contexts.  We meet to share good practice, have regular updates on RE resources and curriculum matters as well as hear from a range of guest speakers in the world of RE and worldviews.  It is also a forum […]


Ways of Assessing RE – Substantive Knowledge and Ways of Knowing

This session on ZOOM is designed to introduce staff to how we can assess in RE in a multi-disciplinary way.  It will consider the pillars of knowledge Ofsted considers builds an RE Curriculum.  It will focus on how we can assess Substantive Knowledge in RE in a meaningful way. The session will explore assessing the […]


Unlock Unearth – a new production from Bergh Apton Arts

St Peter and St Paul’s, Bergh Apton St Peter and St Paul’s, Bergh Apton, Norfolk, United Kingdom

An evening of stories, music, magic and light, with stories told by Hugh Lupton and others. Choir led by Clare Pastorius. Centuries slip by in the wink of an eye when Hugh Lupton with his friends, the Onlie Begetters, Wordsmiths, Readers, Singers, Rude Mechanicals, Gate Keepers, Lantern Painters, Makers of Masks, Dragon Dreamers, Grass Dolly […]


Unlock Unearth – a new production from Bergh Apton Arts

St Peter and St Paul’s, Bergh Apton St Peter and St Paul’s, Bergh Apton, Norfolk, United Kingdom

An evening of stories, music, magic and light, with stories told by Hugh Lupton and others. Choir led by Clare Pastorius. Centuries slip by in the wink of an eye when Hugh Lupton with his friends, the Onlie Begetters, Wordsmiths, Readers, Singers, Rude Mechanicals, Gate Keepers, Lantern Painters, Makers of Masks, Dragon Dreamers, Grass Dolly […]


Church Administrators Local Group Gathering

Oak Grove Community Church Oak Grove Community Church

Supported by UCAN (UK Church Administrators Network) An opportunity for church and parachurch administrators/office workers to meet together to encourage and support one another and share resources. This session is focusing on the role of volunteers. Sign up here https://ucan.churchsuite.com/events/uw5sglhe Any questions or for more information, contact Becca: becca@oakgrovecommunitychurch.co.uk