Wildlife and Churchyards in Norfolk

How the Norfolk Wildlife Trust works with churches across the county to help the nature on your doorstep. Talk by Helen Baczkowska, Norfolk Wildlife Trust


Wildlife and Churchyards in Norfolk

Helen Backzkowska, Senior Nature Recovery Manager at Norfolk Wildlife Trust will give a talk at Wymondham Abbey. She will talk about the wildlife found in Norfolk churchyards and what we […]


Growing Good online course

A free 5 session online course that equips churches in growing new connections and making a difference in the community. Open to church leadership teams in the Norfolk / Lowestoft […]


Grand book sale

Large selection of New and "Well loved books"; hardback and paperback. Plus a variety of stalls, tombola etc. Coffee and Cake


A Concert from Chanters Jigge

With ‘A Pocketful of Merriments’, a new programme for 2024, Chanter’s Jigge present a feast of traditional song and dance music from around the British Isles and beyond. Folk songs, […]


Quiz Evening

General knowedge quiz with tables of four. Raising money for The Friends of Necton Church. £10 a table. Raffle. Toftwood Social Club.


Flower festival – A musical bouquet

Make a visit to St Mary’s Church in Attleborough on the weekend of 1 and 2 June and you will be assured of a feast for the senses. There will […]


St Mark’s, Oulton Broad ‘Green Day’

We are planning to have fun, enjoy some cake and a drink, and hopefully learn a thing or two. St Marks, Oulton Broad (silver award Eco Church) - are holding […]


Green Day

Join St Mark's for an Eco awareness journey supporting local enthusiasts and focusing on creation that constantly nurtures, sustains and inspires us! There will be many representatives, lots of information […]


St Mary’s Attleborough – Summer Fete

Come and indulge in some retail therapy from a variety of craft stalls, while playing traditional fete games. Other stalls include tombola, bric-a-brac, plants and cakes. There will be refreshments, […]

Upton Village Fete

An afternoon of fun for all ages! Raising funds for St. Margaret's Church Upton. Music - fun stalls - games ' raffle - refreshments children's entertainment and much more to […]

Free entry

Butterflies and Dragonflies of Trunch

A macro photographic exhibition of butterflies and dragonflies found in and around Trunch with cream teas, raffle and music. Free Entry, Proceeds to restoration of church building.
