
Lowestoft Longshoremen - singing shanties and songs of the sea

£10 – £16

NCCL It’s all Greek to me!

What difference does it make to know something of the original language of the New Testament? We’ll look at how New Testament Greek works as a language, and how it differs […]

Summer on The Mag

St Mary Magdalene Church, Gorleston Magdalen Square, Gorleston-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Join us for free and low-cost fun for all the family. Inflatables, face painting, Punch & Judy shows, fun dog show, luve music, entertainment, market stalls, rides, yummy food and […]

Melton Park Church Fete

Melton Park Church Traditional Church Fete, Sunday, 9th June at 1:30pm. Free entry and Parking. Afternoon teas, BBQ, Live traditional music, Stalls ,Children’s games,Coconut shy, vintage Tractors Venue: St. Peter’s […]


Swing, Pimms and Hymns

Join us at St Mark's for a summer concert full of fun with the Super Swing Band! There will be lots of music, fun and refreshments for all!


Leadership Forum

Description: An opportunity for all church school and academy Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers and Heads of school to contribute to the implementation and further development of the Diocese’s Education Strategy.  This […]
