Concert by The Anglian Singers

The Anglian Singers, conducted by John Barham, present a concert of both sacred and secular favourites including Faure's Requiem, music from Evita, and contributions from The Beatles, Bernstein, Bacharach and […]

£10 – £16

Open Gardens

Open Gardens offering a number of gardens of varying sizes to visit around the village, places to enjoy refreshments and a plant stall at the church. Visit as many or […]


Tatterford Open Gardens

Ten gorgeous and very different gardens, tea, coffee and lots of yummy things to eat, plus book and plant stalls. Tickets cost £5 per person for access to all gardens. […]


Caring for conservation areas in your churchyard

St Mary's Church, Wroxham St Mary’s Close, Wroxham

Guided tour – St Mary’s Church, Wroxham Join us for a tour of St Mary’s churchyard, Wroxham, to hear how to best care for your churchyard conservation areas. Led by […]


RE Moderation and Sharing of Good Practice

This session provides an opportunity for RE leads to moderate RE across the Diocese. It will enable colleagues to share experiences of assessing pupils using the age-related expectations, support professional […]


Practical ways to explore Racial Justice in RE

This session on ZOOM is designed to explore what racial justice means in a theological, philosophical and social context within RE.  How we can challenge viewpoints using practical resources within […]


Loddon Open Gardens

Loddon Church

Loddon has many beautiful gardens of all different shapes, sizes and styles. We welcome you to come and take a tour around a selection of them, meet local people, enjoy […]


Bishop’s Garden Open Day

Bishop of Norwich's Gardens Bishop's House, Norwich, United Kingdom

As part of Refugee Week Norwich 2024, English + is organising a garden party at the Bishop's House Garden. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Refugee Week in the […]


RE Local Leaders Forum

The aim of these sessions is to equip RE leaders to share effective practice with others and promote RE in their locality. An invitation and agenda will be sent to […]

Event Series Organ Recital

Organ Recital

St Nicholas' Church, North Walsham Market Pl, North Walsham, United Kingdom

A series of organ recitals by well known local organist's. Admission free with retiring collection.

The Brook Street Band at Salthouse Church

St Nicholas' Church, Salhouse Cross Street, Holt, United Kingdom

The renowned Brook Street Band, Rachel Harris (baroque violin), Tatty Theo (baroque cello, Carolyn Gibley (harpsichord) will be performing music by J.S.Bach, G.F.Handel and Telemann in St. Nicholas Church, Salthouse. […]
