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St Andrew’s Eaton Eco Fair 2024

St Andrew's Eaton St Andrew's Eaton, Church Lane, Norwich

We’re all very aware of the crisis of climate change, and the need for urgent action to redress the devastating impact we have had on the world. Many of us, however, struggle to know what we can do to help. Join us at St Andrew’s Eaton for our Eco Fair 2024, to be inspired, informed […]

Making room for swifts


Would summer be the same without swift ‘screaming parties’ as they fly overhead? Surely this is something that would be truly missed if we lost these amazing birds that are now listed as a red data book species. Through this online presentation, Caroline Spinks, Norwich Swift Network, will give us an insight into these birds […]


Managing churchyards with wildflowers in mind

All Saints Church, Hemblington All Saints Church, Church Lane, Hemblington

Guided tour – All Saints Church, Hemblington During this guided walk we hear how the church team and local volunteers manage All Saints’ churchyard with wildflowers and other wildlife in mind. These activities are being run as part of the Norfolk Churchyard Conservation Scheme which was established in 1981 and is run by Norfolk Wildlife […]
