Goodbye from Bishop Alan

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Bishop Alan writes:

“As I reflect back on my time in the Diocese, one of the things for which I am very grateful is the collaboration with the many excellent lay leaders in parishes with whom I’ve had the privilege of working. I recognise that you have a challenging job but am constantly impressed with the resilience and commitment I’ve seen to serve God and the communities in which you live.

“One of the things I’m happiest to have played a part in is the introduction of the Authorised Worship Assistant initiative which has seen over 150 lay people newly engaged in leading worship. Our future as a church must involve a greater desire to draw out the gifts God has undoubtedly given us, gifts that have sometimes lain dormant and unused.

“I am writing this as we celebrate the feast of Candlemas and, among other things, draw inspiration from the lives of Simeon and Anna. They waited patiently in the Lord’s house for the moment when God would act to bring consolation and renewed hope to the people. Their patience, prayerfulness and devotion are presented as examples to us, and I have often seen those qualities among the lay leaders who serve our churches. So thank you for the inspiration you are to me and to others and for all that we have shared in the service of God.”

Bishop Alan’s last service will be the Chrism Eucharist at 11am on Monday 3 April in the Cathedral. Both he and Pippa will be much missed as they go into retirement in Worcester, with our love and thanks for their significant contribution to Diocesan life.

This service will be live-streamed via the Cathedral’s YouTube channel.

If you would like to contribute to a leaving gift for Bishop Alan and Pippa, then please send cheques payable to ‘The Bishop’s Fund’ to Louise Cumberland at Bishop’s House, or make your gift via BACS sort code 20-62-53, account number 90136174 with the reference ‘WintonGift’, and inform Louise via email.