In 2019 after being awarded £1.98m by the National Church of England, a project began to pilot the planting of new churches and the revitalisation of existing ones. After the arrival of a new Diocesan Bishop and after covid restrictions, the Programme was reset in February 2022, with a renewed focus, and a new leadership team.
The good news about God’s love for his world is as relevant and critical to our world as it’s always been. We want to take out that message with hands and feet as well as words, into the places where people are:
Because our communities have changed and our churches are not always in the right place.
Because our society has changed and the ways in which people live, work and play are different.
Because the place of faith in society has changed.

New Worshipping Communities
What do they look like?
New Worshipping Communities come in all shapes and sizes. As long as they’re different to what is currently happening, provide a place where people can belong and have worship at the centre it’s recognised as a new worshipping community.
Local Stories
Find out what we have been up to from local practitioners. Together we have sought to listen to God, and encourage one another into fruitfulness through new perspectives and planting practices.

Mission Hub has a range of resources, events and courses to help support the growth of churches and New Worshipping Communities, click here to find out more.