Being a Licensed Lay Minister is both an exciting and demanding experience. We are looking for people with the potential to fulfil the threefold ministry.
A Teacher of the Faith
In a spirit of prayer, imagination and creativity someone who:
- Loves God and has a thorough knowledge of God’s story;
- Loves people and knows how to listen;
- Loves learning and knows how people learn;
- Reflects regularly on their practice.
An Enabler of Mission in the Everyday
- Teaches everyday faith;
- Models everyday prayer;
- Encourages everyday witness;
- Sustains everyday action.
A Leader in Church and Society
- Creates the places and processes so that people can learn together;
- Models humility and teamwork;
- Resources themselves through good self-care.
If you think God may be calling you to this ministry then do discuss this sense of call with members of your ministry team, family and trusted friends. If you are encouraged by their response the next step is to look at the annual timetable for selection which is set out in the Discernment and Selection document below.
In summary, a selection day takes place usually at the end of April for training to begin in August each year, and there’s a fair bit of paperwork to do before that, so we ask your vicar to have referred you to the Warden of Readers for inclusion in the selection process no later than the end of February each year.
Some books to read to help you think about licensed lay ministry
- Charles Read and Phillip Tovey Reader Ministry Today (Grove Books 2010)
(A short book by our own Deputy Warden and his counterpart in Oxford diocese) - Phillip Tovey Instruments of Christ’s Love (SCM 2016)
(A longer book developing the ideas in the one above) - Cathy Rowling and Paula Gooder Reader Ministry Explored (SPCK 2009)
(Cathy is Principal of the Lindisfarne training course and Paula is a Licensed Lay Minister who is also a well-known writer and speaker on Biblical Studies)
You can borrow these from the Ministry and Training library/bookstore at Diocesan House (catalogue below). Grove Books can be ordered online including downloadable versions.