Grant aid is available to help Licensed Lay Ministers cover the costs of their continuing ministerial development.
- An allowance of £450 for the three year period 1/1/2025 to 31/12/2027 is available, with pro-rata adjustments for those being licensed and those due to retire during that period.
- The grant may be used for the purchase of books, attendance at conferences and on courses and for other activities / events that contribute to the ministry of the Licensed Lay Minister, though a maximum of £50 a year will be allowed on books.
- The application must make clear how the ministry of the Licensed Lay Minister will be developed and must be endorsed by their Incumbent / Priest-in-Charge.
- Application must be made before the event takes place or the book has been purchased.
- Grants will not normally be made for repeat or similar events in recognition that the grants are intended to develop the ministry of Licensed Lay Ministers in the widest sense.
- Applications must specify the date and nature of the event or the title of the book for which funding is sought.
- It is not intended that the allowance will cover the cost of travel. Applicants are asked to approach their parish/benefice to cover this cost wherever possible.
- If other grants have been sought for the same event, such applications must be declared on the grant application form.
- Feedback concerning the usefulness / appropriateness / value of the event / book / activity must be sent to the Bishop’s Adviser for Licensed Lay Ministers to enable the dissemination of information more widely to other Licensed Lay Ministers who might also benefit.
- Grants are awarded at the discretion of the Bishop’s Adviser for Licensed Lay Ministers.