Anna Chaplaincy

The name Anna Chaplain was chosen for its echoes of Anna, the widow and faithful older person who, together with Simeon, recognised the baby Jesus as the Messiah and the fulfilment of God’s promises.

In a world where social isolation is an identified issue in many of our communities and at a time when the elderly have been some of the most affected by the COVID pandemic, the Church’s ministry to the elderly is now more important than ever.

Anna Chaplaincy provides a means of training, equipping and releasing people who will minister amongst the most vulnerable and needy in our communities.

We have sought to create a Diocesan-wide network of Anna Chaplains who come together at regular intervals to support, encourage and share good practice with one another.

If you would like to find out more, then please get in touch with Revd Canon Nigel Tuffnell  or Gaye Hailstone.

You may have heard much about the Church of England striving to reach younger people. This is wonderful, and I fully support this work. However, all people are made in the image of God (Gen 1.27). Furthermore, the Church is one family, God’s family. This means that no one is left behind in our excitement to reach new people. Those who are older are just as valuable and are equally essential to the health of the church as those who are younger. I am therefore delighted to be Anna Chaplaincy Co-ordinator for Norwich Diocese. I hope that many more will enthusiastically support this essential ministry. If you would like to know more, please get in touch.

Anna Chaplain Stories

Advent and Christmas joy spread by Anna Chaplaincy team

“At Yare Valley Churches during the journey through Advent, we have shared a season of waiting and longing for Christmas,” writes Anna Chaplain, Gaye Hailstone. Members of our church, together with Dave our rector, supported the Anna Chaplaincy team by joining us as we went into each of the residential

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Anna Chaplaincy ministry grows in Norfolk and Waveney

Anna Chaplaincy is a national Church of England ministry for supporting older people emotionally and spiritually. Anna Chaplains are named after the widow, Anna, who appears with Simeon in Luke’s gospel; both are good role models of faithful older people. The vision is to see an Anna Chaplain in every

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New Anna Chaplains commissioned at Norwich Cathedral

For each of the individuals, the service represented a significant point in their journey of discernment and discovery as they have each responded to God’s call on their lives. Anna Chaplaincy is firmly rooted within a local area, each Anna Chaplain working closely with the leadership team of the local

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