Racial Justice Toolkit

The Racial Justice Toolkit

News story: October 2024


The Church of England in Norfolk and Waveney has launched a new racial justice toolkit to support 550 parishes across the Diocese.

In June 2020, the House of Bishops agreed to the creation of the Archbishop’s Anti-Racism taskforce and published a report the following year called ‘From Lament to Action’. The report called for urgent changes to the structure and culture of the Church of England.

In October 2021, the taskforce was replaced by the Archbishop’s Racial Justice Commission, chaired by Lord Boateng, which now oversees and implements change at a national level.

In the Diocese of Norwich, a new Racial Justice Action Group has been established to move the work forward in a local context.  The primary purpose of the group is to provide strategic oversight and act as a steering group.

The Bishop of Lynn, the Rt Revd Dr Jane Steen is a member of the Racial Justice Action Group. Bishop Jane says:

“It is easy to think that racial justice is not an issue for those parts of Norfolk and Suffolk in the Diocese of Norwich. But nothing could be further from the truth. Our counties are becoming more ethnically diverse. Our young people mix with friends and school colleagues of different racial backgrounds as their grandparents or even their parents never could. Our hospitals, agriculture and other walks of life are sustained by people whose life began in a different country.”

Revd Canon Karlene Kerr has been appointed as the first Racial Justice Officer for the Diocese of Norwich.  She also chairs the Racial Justice Action Group. Revd Karlene says:

“I am delighted to be given the opportunity to serve in this important new ministry and I will do my upmost to help identify and action the recommendations that will hopefully ensure a cultural, structural and strategic shift to help address racial justice in our Diocese and in the communities we serve. My appointment is an important first step, but it is all our responsibility to tackle racism and promote racial justice.”

“The Bible is replete with the importance of justice to the God we worship, and crucially does not make a distinction between those deserving and not deserving of justice. Rather the clarion call and instruction is justice for all.”

The Diocese of Norwich Racial Justice Toolkit is full of helpful information and anti racism resources, including history, relevance for today, what the bible has to say and guidance for parishes. It also contains liturgy and prayers to use in church services as well as ideas and support for schools.

Tim Sweeting is CEO for the Diocese of Norwich. Tim says:

“So many of our parishes are already places where justice is being sought for those in our communities. I wholeheartedly support this important initiative that will engage more people in ensuring that racial justice is a stronger element of this local endeavour and support the flourishing of people from all backgrounds.”





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