New Missional Initiative ‘Church Without Walls’ in North Norwich

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The Revd Danny Doran-Smith, Assistant Curate, Sprowston and North Norwich Team Ministry shares more on the new missional initiative:

“Within the newly formed Benefice (Benefice of Sprowston and North Norwich) we are excited to launch a new “Church Without Walls” which will endeavour to create a multi-generational community of individuals and families building an intentional missional kingdom culture of reconciliation.

“Over the last few months we have been developing nurture groups which encourage people in their passions and strengths. We will now develop this new missional community with three approaches:

1. BELONG (Small groups)
2. GATHER (Intentional spaces)
3. GO (Public events)

“As part of our Harvest Festival last week our new Missional Community launched a new ‘Harvest Fields’ initiative. It was a resounding success. The community were able to deliver food and connect to 150 people, children and families across the parish and beyond.

“The missional community will express God’s love in the everyday life of the community, offering a range of groups, spaces, and events. This intentional approach to mission will rely on making the most of encounters and opportunities to open dialogue with those we seek to serve.

“Future projects, initiatives, and events will focus on children, young people, and families and will include: Tree church, urban garden project, walk and wonder, open door initiative, community grocery, mobile youth bus, feast hubs and children’s midweek sanctuaries.”