The quality of teaching, learning and assessment were praised by Her Majesty’s Inspector, who described pupils as “enthusiastic learners who want to do well”.
The report also reflected on the consistent good progress being made in Key Stage Two results and an improvement in pupil’s attitude to learning across the school. The curriculum is described as “well-balanced” with pupils receiving a range of experiences in lessons, sport and extracurricular activities, resulting in an eagerness to learn.
The inspection report showed the importance of personal development and welfare was at the core of the academy and the student body explained that they feel listened to, protected and safe.
Furthermore, the report describes the leadership team as “tenacious in ensuring the physical safety and emotional well-being of pupils”. The report continues to attribute this strong pastoral support in enabling pupils to learn more effectively.
Hannah Wheeler, Headteacher of the academy said:
“Carbrooke are really pleased to see the positive outcomes from our inspection visit. We had identified similar priorities ourselves and so have already begun making the necessary improvements. The last 2-3 years have seen much challenge and change for the school, and we can see the next steps as a continuation of our journey. The dedication of the staff team, and the additional support given by the trust, has ensured that we can maintain our ‘good’ status. We are all working towards the same goal – the best for our children and know that the pupils and families are on our journey with us.”
This sentiment was reiterated by the academies Chair of Governors, Jan Pierson, who was delighted with the inspector’s findings, congratulating Mrs Wheeler and all the staff for “achieving such positive outcomes from the short inspection”.
The school became a Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT) academy in 2015 and the report describes support from the Trust as “significant” and “effective” in making the necessary changes and improvements to the school.