Mundford Church of England Primary super happy with Ofsted result

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Mrs Sarah Godbold, executive headteacher said: “We are super happy with the result which really highlights how happy and safe our children feel, what great ambassadors for the school our children are, and the strength of our curriculum offer that we have worked so hard on.”

There are many positives to take from the report starting with what is like to attend Munford Church of England Primary Academy with the report highlighting ‘Pupil’s live out the school’s values of ‘honesty, kindness and respect in all they do. The school is a happy and safe place for pupils and pupils respond well to high expectations adults have of them.’

The school’s unique take on the curriculum and lacing the children’s voice through it was seen as a strength especially the pupil subject ambassador roles. ‘Pupils who are ‘curriculum ambassadors’ are proud to carry out their roles. They work together to identify ways in which their curriculum subject can be further improved. Ambassadors know leaders take their views and opinions seriously. They value the important role they play in further improving the curriculum for their classmates and friends across the school.’

Oliver Burwood, CEO of Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust said: “We’re delighted for the children, families and staff team at Mundford. Headteacher, Sarah Godbold has continued to strive for excellence at the school, even as we returned from the COVID pandemic. The staff’s high expectations, engagement with the Trust’s professional development opportunities and living out of our Christian values has resulted in an excellent school, and this is reflected so well in the report from Ofsted.”

Over the last four years, (taking into account the effects of COVID-19), the staff have worked hard to give the children a really unique curriculum that lets all children flourish.

Mrs Godbold said: “We believe it is important that all children have a board and balanced curriculum and all subjects are given equal weighting it was really pleasing to see the Ofsted inspector saw the merit of this work with report saying: ‘The curriculum has been skilfully designed. Leaders are clear on the important knowledge pupils need to learn in each subject. Pupils develop a rich and detailed knowledge in many subjects, which they use to tackle ever more complex tasks.’

 This work is still ongoing in some subjects as we continue refining. This is our action point and the Ofsted Inspector felt that also: ‘In some subjects, leaders continue to refine the curriculum. They have not yet identified the precise order in which pupils will learn all new knowledge. Where this is the case, pupils do not consistently connect all their learning with what they already know.’

At Munford there is huge love and emphasis on reading unlocking every area of the curriculum for them. This was picked up on by the inspector as he talked to the children and listened to them read.

‘Reading sits at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils love listening to adults read stories to them, which, in turn, inspires them to read more. Adults are skilled at teaching phonics. Consequently, the youngest pupils quickly become accurate and fluent readers. Any pupil who finds reading difficult receives useful support to help them catch up. Pupils read more complex books as they move through the school. They have ample opportunity to talk about what they read. This helps them to develop their understanding of characters, events and themes.’

 At the beginning of this year, Munford Academy added Acorn Nursery class to the school and despite the lack of building the children have settle well. Mrs Tinkley and her team have worked very hard to give the children a wonderful environment to be in. The inspector was very impressed with the provision stating, ‘Children in the new Nursery class learn in a calm and nurturing environment. They, along with children in the Reception class, are supported by adults who know the children extremely well. Adults take every opportunity to talk with children, read to children and ask them questions about what they are learning. This means children learn and can use more new words.’

We are very lucky to have a strong team at Mundford that put their heart and soul into their roles. The Ofsted inspector commented on this throughout the two days; ‘Teachers have strong subject knowledge in the subjects they teach because they receive regular training. Teachers quickly identify whether pupils are making mistakes in their learning and correct these. Staff are proud to work at the school. Senior leaders look after staff well. They think carefully about their workload before making changes. Staff receive high-quality training, so they continue to improve their practice.’

We are all aware how the system and services for SEND pupils are lacking in the wider community for our children but our provision in school for SEND children was seen as a strength but the inspector: ‘Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have activities adjusted to meet their needs, but still have access to the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. These pupils learn well. Leaders precisely identify the individual needs of pupils with SEND and ensure they receive the right support.’