Mission and Ministry Team
The Mission of the Church is the mission of Jesus Christ. Every day our churches serve local parishes through mission, responding to human need in local communities alongside providing weekly
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The Mission of the Church is the mission of Jesus Christ. Every day our churches serve local parishes through mission, responding to human need in local communities alongside providing weekly
A Licensed Lay Minister (or Reader) is a voluntary minister authorised by the bishop to teach and preach, conduct worship and assist with the pastoral ministry of a church. Contact
Completing data and forms may seem difficult or time consuming. But please know that all of our dashboards gather information which then helps to inform mission and ministry across the
In this Diocese both lay and ordained ministry are valued equally and each has some qualities in common while maintaining some important differences.
Do you feel ready to embark on a spiritual journey which could deepen your Christian faith? A new course to explore, learn and discuss Christianity is now open to anyone
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility The Diocese of Norwich is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our church community. Both of our Safeguarding Advisers can be contacted
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility The Diocese of Norwich is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our church community. The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham
It is exciting to think that every Christian has a vocation (or ‘calling’) to become more of the person God wants them to be. That vocation will always include a
An Authorised Worship Assistant (AWA) is, within his or her own benefice, able to assist the incumbent with the Ministry of the Word and in conducting worship.
The process for the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury is underway and, a key part of this, is the extensive consultation exercise that will take place in February
Working groups make progress on prayers, pastoral care, and ministry guidance. Following the decision at July General Synod to develop proposals to introduce standalone services including Prayers of Love and