Case study: Restoration of St Nicholas’, Twyford
Find out more about the ongoing repair and restoration work at St Nicholas’ Church in Twyford:
Friends Groups
A Friends Group can engage the wider community, particularly local people who do not necessarily worship at their local church but value it greatly, in supporting the life of the
Churchwardens and many others do a huge amount of work to keep our beautiful churches well maintained. These resources are intended to support those already doing this valuable work and
Quinquennial Maintenance Checklist
Routine maintenance is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to stave off decay, prevent costly problems from developing, and keep your building warm, dry, and welcoming. Further information
Small Repairs
Ideally parishes should have some money set aside for maintenance and small repairs each year. But if this isn’t the case, or you are faced with some urgent minor repairs
Taylor Review Pilot Project
The Taylor Review Pilot was a project funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and managed by Historic England. The aim of the pilot was to
Attracting Visitors
Top tips, signage, Exploring Norfolk Churches and advertising events.
Church Building Ambassadors
Local and experienced volunteers who support parishes caring for their church buildings.
Plaques and memorials inside churches
The Diocesan Advisory Committee has circulated new (2022) guidance on Plaques and Memorials Inside Churches.
Grant funding – finding funders and preparing to apply
Grant funding often plays an important role in fund raising for a church repair or facilities project, but how do you go about searching for sources of grant funding and
Links to useful resources
There are a wealth of resources online relating to caring for churches and other historic buildings, covering all sorts of subjects. Below are links to some of those that might