Whether you have a story to share or are seeking advice or guidance about communications, the Communications Team are here to help. We can help with advice around social media, press coverage and enquiries, websites, noticeboards and more.
Email us your good news stories news@dioceseofnorwich.org.

Communications Team
Whether you have a story to share or are seeking advice or guidance about communications, the Communications Team are here to help. We can help with advice around social media, press coverage and enquiries, websites, noticeboards and more.
A Church Near You
AChurchNearYou.com is the Church of England’s official church finder tool, and it also offers free websites for churches and benefices.
Church Support Hub
The Church Support Hub is a website which offers resources and learning to support people, churches and dioceses to grow, and to realise the Church’s Vision and Strategy in parishes and local communities.
Social Media
We live in a digital age, with much of the information we receive coming to us through our mobile phones and computers with a lot of this information reaching us through social media. The Communications Team are here to help answer your questions and queries on your church’s social media.
Design, Branding and Signage
The Church of England Diocese of Norwich logo is available in a number of technical formats for all churches, schools, parishes, benefices and deaneries to download and use.
Filming and Photography in churches
Taking your own photos or videos to use online will present an authentic view of your community, and may help some feel more confident to come along knowing what to expect. As you’ve created the images yourself, you are the owner, and you are free to use them as you wish, however, you must be aware of GDPR and the implications for anyone appearing in the images or video.
Press and Media
Working with the media is an excellent opportunity to share what we are doing, share our point of view; and highlight the God that we know in the Church life that we are part of.