Legacies are an important part of our Christian stewardship.
Our Christian beliefs teach us that when we have no further earthly need for our wealth, possessions and property we can give a final gift back to God to grow the Kingdom. Often a legacy can be a catalyst for some great outreach projects or can even keep the roof on God’s house.
It is such an important part of our stewardship that each PCC should consider appointing a Generosity Enabler. We have produced a guide to explain what is involved and are here to provide training and support. Each PCC should adopt a legacy policy and actively promote legacies, and not be afraid to ask for legacies.
Why should we consider actively promoting legacies?
- The top five household charities have been asking for the past 25 years and have the legacy market sewn up, so much so that legacies represent approximately 50% of their income. For churches only 7% of our income comes from legacies so we are trailing far behind
- Members of your congregations are leaving legacies to the top five household charities, so why shouldn’t they leave a legacy to your church?
- They are a financial opportunity for our parishes to develop mission
- It is part of our Christian belief to help grow the Kingdom
- They are tax efficient
- They can be included in an existing will by adding a codicil.
At the moment the Church of England are offering a free will writing service, which is totally confidential. To use this facility please click here.
Part of the Diocesan objectives are to help parishes with their mission and ministry. Generous Giving Advisers are available to support the PCC to plan their legacy strategy.
Every PCC should adopt a legacy policy, and appoint a legacy officer who is responsible for actively promoting legacies within their parish.
Below are two example documents to help you in this process.
- Example legacy policy
- Parish legacy officer (as part of the role of Generosity Enabler)
The Diocese provides the leaflet below which we hope you will actively make available to your church members. This leaflet explains why leaving a legacy is worthwhile and beneficial for the growth and development of God’s Kingdom and expresses practically how to put that thought into action.
Request leaflets/booklets for your church
Copies of our legacies leaflet, ‘Gifts of Faith, Hope & Love’, are available for churches to give out and you can request however many you need for free via our online shop or call 01603 880853 to request copies, or download the PDF below:
Related documents

Robert Culyer, your Generous Giving Adviser, is available to come and present to your PCC a package of support materials to help you develop legacy giving in your parish. Please contact him for further information.