Parish dashboards are summary PDF documents, created by the Church of England’s Research & Statistics unit, showing attendance and participation information as well as parish-level census and deprivation statistics.
These dashboards have been produced to provide a clearer picture of what is happening in parishes than is contained in the raw numbers alone.
What are dashboards
Parish dashboards are documents created by the national Church of England’s Research & Statistics unit, containing a summary of the attendance and participation information provided by parishes over the past decade, along with some parish-level census and deprivation statistics (and links to additional information, including our parish maps).
These dashboards have been produced to provide a clearer picture of what is happening in parishes than is contained in the raw numbers alone.
The dashboards contain figures as submitted by churches/parishes through the annual Statistics for Mission form. Inaccurate data can be amended by visiting this link.
What are spotlights
Spotlight brings together a range of information about your parish, both in terms of your congregations, but also the wider community living in your area. It covers areas such as Christian affiliation, population age and ethnicity profiles, household structures, deprivation, employment, schools and qualifications, alongside church statistics such as attendance and giving.
These dashboards have been produced to provide a clearer picture of what is happening in parishes than is contained in the raw numbers alone.
The dashboards contain figures as submitted by churches/parishes through the annual Statistics for Mission form. Inaccurate data can be amended by visiting this link.
There is information at the end of the document about where this data comes from and how it was calculated. If you have any further queries then please do contact the Research and Statistics team at