Parish Share is a contribution by churches towards the cost of the mission and ministry of the Church in the Diocese, which is primarily the cost of clergy.
How is it calculated?
A detailed explanation of the Parish Share allocation method adopted in 2014 can be found in the following booklet:
From 2014, the Share was no longer allocated to individual parishes but to benefices, which is where the costs lie. There are two elements; the first relates to the actual cost of ministry within the benefice. The second contributes to mission across the Diocese where the cost of that mission needs to be shared by us all. Parishes within a benefice decide amongst themselves how the total cost will be divided between them.
Many benefices currently contribute much less than the actual cost of ministry exercised in their benefice and it was unrealistic to ask for the full cost of ministry in the first year. Benefices were invited to start a journey towards paying for their own ministry, starting with what they have actually paid in the past and challenging themselves to pay an additional 15% each year until they are meeting their costs.
Some benefices pay much more than the cost of their own mission and ministry and so are supporting others. These benefices are asked to support the transition process by maintaining their contribution with the intention that it will not increase until the cost of ministry reaches the level they are giving.
Please see the booklet above for a detailed explanation of the support process. Support can be offered in a variety of ways, including financial (a reduction in request in certain circumstances), assistance with growth plans or stewardship campaigns. Useful guidance and templates for encouraging giving and generosity can be found on the Christian giving section of the website.
The process
Each benefice received its Share figure at the beginning of August. Multi-parish benefices will need to meet to agree how the share will be divided between each parish. Agreed amounts need to be given to the Diocesan Finance Department by the end of November.
Parish Share Reports
Please find the monthly Parish Share reports below.
- Parish Share Reports – February 2025
- Parish Share Report 2024 – Final
- Parish Share Report – November 2024
- Parish Share Report – October 2024
- Parish Share Report – September 2024
- Parish Share Report – August 2024
- Parish Share Report – July 2024
- Parish Share Report – June 2024
- Parish Share Report – May 2024
- Parish Share Report – April 2024
- Parish Share Report – March 2024
Direct Debit
As a Diocese, we are obliged to pay the stipends of our clergy on a regular monthly basis.
There are times when we have to resort to borrowing or realising assets during the year to fulfil that obligation.
If your parish is not already making a contribution towards their parish share by Direct Debit, may we request that your PCC consider most earnestly making such regular monthly payments.
These can be as little as £20 per month and this amount can be reduced, increased or set to zero temporarily at any time by a telephone call or e-mail to this office. All we ask is that notification is given by the 15th of the month at the latest, as we make our submission to the bank for collection on this date.
Please find below a direct debit mandate form which can be downloaded and sent to Diocesan House once completed and signed in accordance with your mandate (usually two signatories).