Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
The Diocese of Norwich is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our church community.
Both of our Safeguarding Advisers can be contacted on: 01603 882345
Address: Safeguarding Team, Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB.
If you wish to directly contact one of the advisers in particular, their contact details are:
Sue Brice, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07958 377079 or
Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB
Peter Sayer, Diocesan Assistant Safeguarding Adviser
07342 999386 or
Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB
Helen Norris is the Diocesan Safeguarding Trainer. You can contact her at 01603 882345
Brenna Wells is the Safeguarding Administrator. You can contact her at