Electoral Roll

The Church Representation Rules (see rule 1) require that every Parochial Church Council (“PCC”) maintains an Electoral Roll and makes it available for inspection by bona fide inquirers.

A lay person is entitled to have his or her name entered on the roll of a parish if that person

*In January 2023 Bishop’s Council approved, for those parishes who wish to, to conduct their Electoral Roll electronically if the application form is completed in accordance with the Church Representation Rules and the applicant inserts characters which are clearly intended to be his or her signature and the date of signing, in the places indicated on the form.

An Electoral Roll Officer should be appointed by the PCC, whose role is to keep the Roll up to date by making additions and removals from time to time and to report additions and removals to each meeting of the PCC. The Rules require that in the year 2025 and in every sixth year thereafter, a completely new Roll should be prepared. A copy of the rules may be obtained from Church House Bookshop, or from your local bookshop.