Pray for your school

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Like many Christian parents, I prayed for my children in school, that they would be happy and motivated and end their school careers ready for the next stage of life. So when I was asked by a friend at church if I wanted to join a parents’ prayer group I immediately accepted.

We meet three times a term, gathering as we’ve dropped off our children for a tea or coffee first. The prayer meeting itself follows a structure devised by the Pray for Schools group

The start is a Bible reading followed by a short reflection, then prayers of praise. We move on to three sessions of intercessory prayers – for the pupils, then the school and finally each other.

For each session we first share any particular concerns or information, about school trips for example, then have a time of open prayer. We keep a diary, though always maintaining confidentiality, which has enabled us to see God’s hand at work over time – the friend getting help for an eating disorder, dilemmas resolved, children strengthened to witness.

Our particular group has had to change over the years and membership rises and falls. Like everyone we had to adapt to meeting online during the pandemic though we are back face to face now. I have been a member for over a decade but my last child is now in his last year of sixth form so my time is drawing to an end. Having been supported myself, and witnessed the answered prayer of so many, I thought I should try to reach other Christian parents around Norfolk to encourage them to get involved.

If you have school-age children and feel this is something you could do, visit the website Pray for Schools and see if the school your children attends has an established parents’ prayer group. It’s a great way to meet fellow Christians and feel really involved in your children’s school life. And if there isn’t, why not start one? The website also has loads of useful resources to help. Please, get out there, get involved and start praying for the schools in your area. They need you!