Quiz the Bishop: Q&A at Revelation Cafe in Norwich

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Have you ever wondered how many bees a bishop has?

Or what the Bishop of Norwich’s second favourite book is (assuming the Bible is first)?

Or what it’s like speaking in the House of Lords?

Or why he carries a crook, what he watches on tv, why he was part of the Coronation or even how he takes his tea?

The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham Usher, can answer all those questions, and more, at a special Q&A, with afternoon tea.

“If you’ve never met a live bishop, now’s your chance!” said Margaret Smith, who chairs the trustees of Revelation Café, Norwich, which will be hosting Bishop Graham on Tuesday June 11.

On the menu, alongside the invitation to quiz the bishop and find out about his life, background, opinions and role, are sandwiches, sausage rolls, scones with jam and cream, vol-au-vents, cake and tea and coffee.

Revelation is a café, tearoom and bookshop, in one of Norwich’s famous medieval churches, selling everything from greetings cards to candles and serving bakes, snacks, brunches and lunches.

Fifteenth century St Michael-at-Plea is looked after by the Norwich Historic Churches Trust and known for its pretty tower and the timely reminder ‘Forget me not’ written on its clock. Inside, a flight of carved angels hover over the books and cakes. The shop is open, Tuesday to Saturday 10am-4pm, and the café Tuesday to Saturday 10am-3pm. It relies on volunteers to help the small staff team, and the afternoon with the Bishop will raise funds to support its work.

Afternoon tea with Bishop Graham, Revelation Café, St Michael-at-Plea Church, Redwell Street, Norwich, 3.30-5pm, Tuesday June 11. Tickets £15 in advance from the café and shop, or call 01603 619731.